2010-present Freelancing Professional Photographer : photojournalism & scientific photography
2005-2012 Pesisir Balikpapan project, PhD. Stanislav Lhota, Usti nad Labem Zoological Garden,
from 2001 Wolf Springs in White Carpathians (wildlife conservation and education project)
2010 National Geographic Photography Contest Galleries Nature Gallery—Week 11
2003-2009 Winning positions in Czech competitions: It’s Up To You Too; Photography Techniques competition USB; Researchers Rock Night EU; Fotouniverziada
2011 May-July Borneo (Indonesia)
2010 July-Sept: Svalbard, Norway
2008 Aug-Sept Borneo, Indonesia
2008 July-Aug Papua New Guinea
2012 Wolf Springs in White Carpathian, Kredance, Ceske Budejovice CZ
2011-2012 The Beauty of Butterfly Wings, National Museum CZ
2011 Svalbard
2011 Papua New Guinea and Borneo, Zoopark Chomutov, CZ
2009-2011 Veolia Environnement Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009, Highly commended photo, exhibition on worldwide tour
2010 Dance photo collection, Kredance, Ceske Budejovice, CZ
2010 Papua New Guinea and Borneo, National Museum of Photography, Jindrichuv Hradec, CZ
2010 Papua New Guinea and Borneo, Galerie Nahore, DK Metropol, Ceske Budejovice, CZ
2010 Dance photo collection, Ponec Theatre, Prague CZ
2009 Papua New Guinea and Borneo, Castle Vilemov by Golcuv Jeníkov, CZ
2009 Papua New Guinea and Borneo, Czech Academy of Science
2009 Photography exhibition, charity auction and show Borneo/Indonesia, Zoo Usti nad Labem - Together with Dan Bárta, Petr Slavík and Milan Janda
2009: Insect Model organisms; Czech Academy of Science
2009 January, Tropical Ecology course, České Budějovice, CZ
2008 European Wildlife, Galerie Nahore, Ceske Budejovice CZ
2007 Spring in white Carpathians, Ceske Budejovice CZ
2007-2009 BÍLÉ KARPATY/BIELE KARPATY, Jaro pro Zemi, Travelling exhibitions “White Carpathians” in Czech Republic and Slovakia
2006 Mirrors of Nature, with Lubomir Pospech, Culture Club, Uhersky Brod